Hipstadventures: Shropshire

Apologies for the lack of blogging recently, I’m currently interning for a week in London and was away at the weekend for my friend Alba’s birthday.

I featured some photos from her holiday in Italy in an earlier blog post, and went to visit her at her home in Shropshire over the weekend.

Tinto 1884/BlacKeys Supergrain/no flash

Tinto 1884/BlacKeys Supergrain/no flash

Her house is huge, a big old cavernous place with dozens of storage rooms and nooks and crannies and an amazing view of the Wrekin, a big hill in the distance.

We took the dogs for a walk both days and there were some good photo opportunities – particularly on the Sunday when we scaled Caer Caradoc.

The weather was perfect (though fairly blustery at the top!) so the views were spectacular.

Foxy/OG/no flash

Foxy/OG/no flash

The OG film has been working really well for me in landscape shots recently, providing that the overexposure is countered with a darker lens or duller lighting conditions. The above shot has some really night light and shade and shows the view quite well I think.

Below is a selection of photos from the weekend. I tried to mix up gear fairly often to get a varied set of shots. Enjoy!