Gear: Seven HipstaPak & iOS7 app update

Bonus gear alert!

Seven HipstaPak packages

To coincide with the release of Apple’s new operating system iOS7 today, Hipstamatic have surprised users with the Seven HipstaPak, which includes two new cases and three new flashes for the standard 69p price.

The catch is that it’s only available to download once you’ve updated your iPhone. I just started the download about an hour ago and at the rate it’s going, I’ll be lucky if it’s finished by the morning. So no screenshots from me for the time being I’m afraid!

It’s also reported that there may be issues with the Pak showing up even for people running iOS7 so keep checking and be patient with Hipstamatic – it’ll be working in no time fingers crossed!

The last time a flash was included in a Pak was the Pop Rox flash in the Groupie SnapPak last March (I think), so it’s a surprise to see any new ones.  They’re colour pop flashes, so along with the Laser Lemon, Cadet Blue and RedEye gels, there’s now Leprechaun Tears, Purple Raindrops and Juicy Orange to add a tint of colour to your photos.

I never really use any of the colour gels so it’ll be interesting to see how I get on with these – once I manage to get iOS7 working. I’ll post up a few test shots over the next couple of days.

Apple’s new software update introduces distinctly flat design to the iPhone, as opposed to the skeuomorphic (where iPhone elements mimicked real-world objects) design of previous user interfaces.

The new cases in the Seven HipstaPak are created with this shift in style in mind – they are also flat to “match the look and feel of iOS7”, and come in black and white.

The Hipstamatic 270 update brings a new user interface to the app as well.

On a final note, apologies for the lack of update recently – I started my new job in London a couple of weeks ago and have been finding it difficult to fit blogging into such long days. Must try harder.

Let me know your thoughts on the new gear and update, and I’m happy to share your best snaps with the new flashes too if you like!


Hipstappreciation: Alfred Infrared

As part of the Camden HipstaPak, the Alfred Infrared film has been around since the beginning of Hipstamatic Classic. I remember using it when there were only a few different gear options to choose from, but as more and more Paks have been released I’ve pretty much all but stopped choosing it.

I tend to favour films that don’t override the natural colours, whereas Alfred Infrared dominates with red and purple tones.

Hipstamatic says this about the film: “Popular with art school kids in the 90’s, Infrared film by Alfred picks up the light that other films can only dream about”, describing the style as “gradated film warmth”.

I used to think it a shame that the bold blues and greens of films like the John S were often drowned out if paired with Alfred, but this photo that I took a couple of weeks ago has made me give it a second chance now and again.

John S/Alfred Infrared/no flash

John S/Alfred Infrared/no flash

So I thought I’d pay a bit of attention to Alfie and round-up a few photos from my archives. Some of the gear listed may be incorrect as I don’t have official record of what was used – some of it is intelligent guesswork!

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Gear: Buenos Aires HipstaPak

Today is a good day.

Buenos Aires Hipstapak

A new HipstaPak was released today, this time drawing inspiration from the Argentine capital and Argentinian photographer Diego Uchitel. The Pak is available on both Hipstamatic Classic and Oggl.

It includes a lens, the Diego, and two very different films: the Uchitel 20 and the Blanko 16.

The lens doesn’t dominate too much with one colour, but it does add subtle stripe marks to some of the photos, which is quite nice and gives it a bit of unique character.

I haven’t had a chance to get out shooting with the new gear yet but tried out the lens and films on a couple of photos in Oggl.

The Uchitel 20 has a distinct vintage look to it, producing images that are sepia-toned with an irregular off-white border.

Diego/Uchitel 20

Diego/Uchitel 20

The Blanko 16 is a bit of an uninspiring film in my opinion – it’s like the Blanko Freedom13 but without the little coloured stripes – but it does give your photos a nice slightly desaturated look. It’s a film that lets the lens do the talking, which is sometimes perfect for a shot.

Diego/Blanko 16

Diego/Blanko 16

I’m looking forward to having a go with this new gear, so I’ll do a post next week with the results. Happy Hipstamatic Friday!

Photo round-up #02

A few from the past couple of weeks, home and away.

Photo round-up #01

Just a selection of various photos from my personal collection, taken over the past few years.