Gear: OG/GS-0 film

Recently, I’ve been really digging the OG (formerly GS-0) film, which adds a white rounded border to your shots. It was part of the Gangster Squad FreePak that included the G2 lens and Gangster Deco camera case, and really makes the Pak worth it in my opinion.

Apparently the name changed from GS-0 to OG when RetroPak 3 came out, but because I got the film beforehand, my Hipstamatic still calls it the GS-0. I have noticed that on Oggl that it’s OG as well.

OG film screenshot

I think it’s a bit of a grower, maybe because it’s so unlike any other films that Hipstamatic has offered before – usually borders are quite discreet and don’t take up too much of photo, whereas this is really bold and obvious. The last few times I’ve tried shooting with the OG film the results have been great.

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One thing to be careful of when choosing to use this film is that it tends to over-expose photos a little bit, which can be great for some low-light shots, but can ruin other photos. See the comparison below.

OG vs. Ina's 1935 exposure comparison

Exposure: OG vs Ina’s 1935. Hornbecker lens, no flash.

To combat any overexposure, try teaming the OG film up with a darker lens such as the Wonder, Americana or Madelena.

Your thoughts on the OG? Any tips or combos that work particularly well? Let me know!