Hipstappreciation: Alfred Infrared

As part of the Camden HipstaPak, the Alfred Infrared film has been around since the beginning of Hipstamatic Classic. I remember using it when there were only a few different gear options to choose from, but as more and more Paks have been released I’ve pretty much all but stopped choosing it.

I tend to favour films that don’t override the natural colours, whereas Alfred Infrared dominates with red and purple tones.

Hipstamatic says this about the film: “Popular with art school kids in the 90’s, Infrared film by Alfred picks up the light that other films can only dream about”, describing the style as “gradated film warmth”.

I used to think it a shame that the bold blues and greens of films like the John S were often drowned out if paired with Alfred, but this photo that I took a couple of weeks ago has made me give it a second chance now and again.

John S/Alfred Infrared/no flash

John S/Alfred Infrared/no flash

So I thought I’d pay a bit of attention to Alfie and round-up a few photos from my archives. Some of the gear listed may be incorrect as I don’t have official record of what was used – some of it is intelligent guesswork!

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