Gear: DIY?

I remember coming across a blog post a few years ago where a Hipstamatic fan had mocked-up a lens based on Chambord, the French black raspberry flavoured liqueur (it was around the time I was trying my hand at amateur mixology). Anyway, having started this blog, I thought I’d have a trawl and see if I could find it again.


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The Chambord lens is created by Brooke L. Hudson (who seems to have a thing for the Chambord brand), and looks really well done in my opinion. It’d be cool to see more mock-up gear like this. There are discussion threads on Flickr where people talk about jail-breaking their iPhone and actually creating new films and lenses (or modifying the existing gear), but there’s no way I’d jailbreak my phone or have the technical know-how/courage to mess with Hipstamatic. Plus, I’m not sure how appealing that is really – I’d probably always see Hipstamatic’s official gear as the pinnacle of design, and any of my amateur attempts would be a bit disappointing.

I had a root for some more mock-ups like Brooke’s above, but nothing really came up. I think the alcohol inspired lens is really cool, and could lead to others – a really clear and sharp Absolut lens with neutral tones maybe, or a dark and stormy sepia-toned Captain Morgan film…

What do you think of Brooke’s work? Any other ideas for a really unique bit of gear?

About Tim Heap

Recent multimedia journalism grad with a passion for iPhoneography typography & design, urban vinyl & shameless pop.

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